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DNA VIEW 核酸染劑 (Etbr 替代劑)

DNA VIEW 核酸染劑 (Etbr 替代劑)

(Nucleic acids stain) DNA無毒染劑, 無毒DNA 染劑

 註: 試劑進口品除大量採購,恕無法另有優惠

Catalog No Product Size
TT-DNA01 DNA View 1ml


特點:DNA VIEW (Nucleic Acids Stain)

  1. 使用上可完全取代 EtBr (Ethidium bromide) , 零毒性 !! 零致癌性!!
  2. 使用方式簡單, 完全沒有習慣上的問題
  3. 健康又安全的新世代試劑
  4. 價格便宜, 不增加實驗室的負擔
  5. 建議量:5ul DNA view 加入100ml gel 即可



DNA view is an innovated nucleic acid stain to replace highly toxic ethidium bromide (EtBr) for detecting nucleic acid agarose gels. It emits green fluorescence when bound to DNA and RNA. It is as sensitive as EtBr and the staining protocol is also very similar, however, compared to EtBr, which is known as a strong mutagen, it causes much fewer mutations in the Ames test. In addition, it has a negative result in mouse marrow chromophilous erythrocyte micronucleus test and mouse spermary spermatocyte chromosomal aberration test. Most importantly, it is not considered hazardous waste, can be disposed of according to standard laboratories procedures, and is stable for years.


  1. Prepare 100 ml of agarose gel solution (0.8%-3%) in a 250 ml flask.
  2. Heat the flask in the microwave until the solution is clear.
  3. Add 5ul DNA view to the gel solution. Swirl the flask gently to mix the solution and avoid forming bubbles.
  4. After polymerization, perform gel electrophoresis and detect the bands under UV illumination.


  1. The thickness of gel should be less than 0.5cm since thick gels may decrease sensitivity.
  2. Repeatedly melting gels containing DNA view may cause low sensitivity. DNA view allows visualization of DNA (>50 ng) in agarose gels under visible light. This eliminates the need for exposure to UV light, which can nick and damage DNA. The intact DNA fragments purified from agarose gel can increase the efficiency of subsequent molecular biology manipulations such as cloning, transformation and transcription.



問題: 靈敏度跟傳統 Etbr (Ethidium bromide) 相比,效果如何?
回答: 此DNA View核酸染劑表現強度約7成近Etbr,為毒性EtBr替代品。保證安全且無毒性。

問題: 如何保存?
回答: 避光及室溫保存即可。

問題: 可以在熱Gel 時加入使用嗎?
回答: 沒有問題

問題: DNA View 核酸染劑dye的顏色?
回答: 在UV光照射上為綠色

問題: DNA View 是類似SYBR Green的產品嗎?
回答: 不是喔,是完全不一樣的東西。

問題: 此DNA View產品容易degrade嗎?
回答: 數個實驗室已連續購入實際使用,不會像其它第一代無毒產品如會快速 degrade,請放心使用 。

問題: 加入DNA View的Gel可反覆加熱使用嗎?
回答: 可以。視貴實驗室的Condition再調整。

問題: 請問DNA View 可以做etbr外染的窴驗嗎?
回答: 此產品用於Etbr內染保證完全沒有問題,EtBr外染視Condition 調整建議濃度。

問題: 有用過其它家號稱無毒性 EtBr,結果Ligation效率很差,請問你們的產品會這樣嗎?
回答: 我們推薦的產品完全沒有Ligation效率很差的問題,有實驗室用到不好的無毒染劑做了半年以上ligation做不出來,改用我們的產品後迎刃而解。請放心使用替代etbr。

問題: 那實驗室之前買很多類似的產品怎麼辦?
回答: 產品好用會說話,保證一試成主顧,之前買的不好用產品建議不要浪費冰箱空間。

問題: 價格呢?
回答: 訂購十支以上享同業優惠價。

無毒etbr最佳選擇!! 請連絡公司或區域業務。



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